6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Monday 28 January 2013

Rain and Wind - Summer Natural

Australia is best summed up by the poem that quotes"A land of droughts and flooding rains" - I love a sunburnt country.

Written (I think) at the start of the 20th century when there was no global warming or politicians interfering in ones simple, but good life.

The past week in Australia has seen floods in Queensland and New South Wales, accompanied by winds that move your wig off your head. But as best as I can recall this is what happens very regularly, it's the rhythm of summer. About this time each year nature delivers it's warning about who holds the power over whom. As usual humans seem to fall victim to such events.

Anyway, at 6Ps we are busy trying to capture some of the mayhem on film for your viewing pleasure.

One thing for sure is that the surf will be going off when the lows settle down and the cyclones pump up North. Get ready to get ya sticks out.

Due to popular demand I have once again included The Roys covering "Wide Open Road" by The Triffids. Should you wish to view more videos of local Crescent Head talent simply click on the YouTube site on the side of this page.
More of The Roys, Offshore, and lots more to be viewed on the 6Ps site throughout the year.

Due to some technical difficulties, we were not able to capture "Offshore" playing at the Crescent Head Tavern last Sunday. We were using a GoPro and instead of having the setting on film we had it on photo...doh! We think we may be able to get better sound using the GoPro, but hey the best thing you can do is get to the tavern each Sunday afternoon!!!!

Offshore (below) playing last Sunday 27th Jan

Keep safe, avoid the rain, enjoy the rhythm.

(updates on Crescent Head pages at top of this page are happening regularly. Check it out)


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