6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Monday 11 February 2013

Its building to THAT time

Something is in the air, and it is feeling like THAT time again.

You know....the time when you sweat a bit, the water is noticeably warmer, the birds are everywhere, and when it rains...... it's big. Funny little swirls appear on the weather report up off the coast with odd names like "Ralph" or "Mildred".

Yes folks the surf is starting to pump and the magic period of swell is beginning to feel like it is just around the corner.

February in Australia is a little like a transition month, from the full on north easters and flat to small swell, to the storm surf and grunting cyclonic push from the north. So we all welcome February in Crescent Head. Holiday makers are busy back at work saving up for next year and familiar faces appear in the water again, with a smile.

And water of all descriptions appear to be alive........

 Colours and drops...
 Loch Ness proportions....
Three days of early February rain came alive and produced some spectacular colours and shapes.

So we eagerly await those summer to autumn months that traditionally hold some surfing gems.

The 6Ps team headed north for a week to capture some clips for the second film due out early next year. The release of "13" the surfing film, our first movie, is out now.

There is no doubt about it, the areas of far northern NSW and the Gold Coast have some great surf and and probably some of the best coast views in Australia. Each time we head that way we are never disappointed. The doctors bills do increase due to liver abuse but hey a quick dry out and its on with the action.

The colours and the clouds are telling us.......its building to THAT time.........get ya sticks out and wax em up.

(check into our accommodation page - new information now available)


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