
Wednesday 23 December 2015

Christmas wishes from Australia

The humble staff at 6Ps would like to wish all our viewers a very Merry Christmas and happy new year.

It has been a productive year for us here, and we are hoping to elevate our expertise to the next level and produce a great film for you.

On a study of our statistics and hit rates for our blog, we are heartened by the hits we get on purely Australian content.

Australian Sunset over Taylors Arms

On the other hand, we are also amazed at an experiment we conducted way back in 2012 to see what happened if we titled a blog post "surf sex and violence". You know, the old marketing sells, if that doesn't get 'em then violence will.

The post, in fact, is tasteful and quite informative and has no relationship with the topic. Maybe it does have a raunchy picture but hardly anything to get excited about.

To our absolute horror it also represents 9% of our total hit rate!! So Search Engine Optimization works. is the telling factor........who is searching for surf, sex and violence? We can only view which countries hit our site.......which country do you think would search for these sort of headlines? It couldn't be anywhere that aspire to greatness. It could not be anywhere that is Christian correctness personified. It could not be anywhere that wants the world to follow its morals and democratic perfection.

Is anyone seeing where this is leading?

As most of you know we have a backhanded slap at America the good old US of A quite often on this site. Well to no ones surprise, because they are democratic, free and pervs they are the outstanding winners of the "who found the trap" award. Congratulations guys and gals, you have not let us down!!

Can't wait for Donald Trump to be president..........just when we thought George W was some sort of hiccup in the system, we may have someone to trump him (clearing throat).

Anyway this is not in the Christmas spirit and it is a time of joy. Family arguments, emotional breakdowns, police activity, double demerits, overpriced everything and eating fat. Not to mention some people taking spirit as some sort of meaning to drink until you hit someone. Credit cards maxed out, debt to the point of despair and little Billy getting more presents then little Jimmy that lives next door, just because.

May be it is just a good time to reflect, look up, and think that maybe, just maybe, we are insignificant in this whole world. We don't control it, it controls us. At anytime you can be gone........for good. Love and peace.


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