6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Wanna a Quickie?

As the quicksilver pro on the Gold Coast is reaching its final days, the 6Ps film crew are heading off to capture some footage.

Not so much the contest footage, which may be a bit regimented, but the before and afters of days events. This includes those who are not even in the WCT, but the guys that should be.....you know the ones that just surf bloody well.

For our crew it is all about getting there and getting home, after taking, what we hope will be some unique scenes and great surfing, the unusual and beautiful. Living within 5 hours drive of the goldie on the mid North Coast of NSW allows us to pass through some great surfing places.

Theses places are probably better left unsaid to respect the locals, but needless to say, we are all glad everyone races past them to get to the Gold coast and rush back past them to get "home'.
In any case, the 6Ps crew are pretty hyped up about this assignment. We are allowing a day to get to the goldie 2 days at the event and piss up-a-thon and then we are allowing 2 days to get back to our mid north coast tranquility.

This will allow us to get into those breaks that are legendary, but are todays unknowns. We are going to feature these great places in our next movie. It is a "lest we forget" tribute in a way, it is where surfing in Australia started its journey...........

This weekend looks epic for the finals of the quickie pro. The swell is building all through Friday afternoon and Saturday to near its peak height on Sunday afternoon. The swell direction and wind direction will be perfect, if the forecast holds true.

We promise some epic footage on this event and the unofficial events that surround it.

Some catch up news

We often post 'rants' about things that we think are important or that we hope enlighten people.....in some sort of weird way.
Things like "country soul and surfing" where we attempted to explain the Governments abandonment of country areas and the total move away from anything being local.
Nothing much has changed, maybe even getting worse, but more people are talking local support for produce and businesses. Some communities are turning back to themselves and attempting to ignore the "big providers", such as woolworths/coles etc., There is a great site named "community engine that strives for local support in communities. Great to see a full time effort in this area of concern.

Our last post on blisters certainly drew some attention. Everyone enjoyed local band "Offshore" performing blisters in the sun. Some people were intrigued by the medical advice given to assist the healing of blisters. We can only say.....where have you been?

We will let you know about the 6Ps goes goldie journey when we arrive back.


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