6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Monday, 22 September 2014


The launch of PARALLEL was successful with the crowd beyond our expectations. The Tavern at Crescent Head was the place to be last Sunday afternoon.

The band went off, with their take on a lot of classic songs being the flavour of the day, OFFSHORE were on target for our launch.

The 9 minute preview of PARALLEL took place around 5pm, and it was a scary moment. 18 months of your life lay bare for all to see. 9 minutes to create an impression that sums up the whole 1hour film - wow - pressure and nerves drowned by beer and flamboyant devil may care attitude. Yeah right.

For the first time ever in my life, the whole venue went quiet, not a sound anywhere - in a pub!! The button was pushed and on came "PARALLEL", the music was on full tilt and the eyes were fixed on the screens.

9 minutes seemed like 9 hours but to 6Ps absolute delight loud applause erupted when the credits came up. A proud moment for all associated with 6Ps, we had pleased our audience, they liked what we did AND they hadn't even seen the full hour!!

A humbling experience.

Of course there are lots of people to thank, and really, we don't want to bore you with people you may not have heard of, however, 2 great film makers assisted in this film. www.southwave.com and "The byrd" on vimeo. 6Ps staff thank you.

PARALLEL is available from this site. Simply go to the paypal option under PARALLEL at the right of this page on your browser and start your transaction. Delivery free within Australia.
When in Crescent Head ask for a copy exclusively at The Tavern.


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