6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Art form of Manners and Political Correctness

(The views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of 6Ps or their staff. It is, however, an expression of free speech which we do endorse - guest writer: Bob Shaw)

I am going to try to explain a point of view which may result in some readers moving onto another blog or porn site or even delete this forever.

The term political correctness comes from politicians' belief in what is correct to say and or do. It is something they convey to the masses to ensure we have an orderly community, state, country.

You out there are the masses, but you are an individual - right?

So,  I will restore the economy, put pride back in our country, identify those people that are holding us back, and also unite us against all that is not to our liking, after all we are a proud country and need to make all countries understand this!!!! Even better ,insist that they be like us.......................
Germany under Hitler? ..... United States of America under Bush?...... Great Britain under Blair?

Take your pick.

The question is: Why would you have to do this sort of thing in the first place? If you have an understanding of KARMA, something must have been done to "it" to restore "it".

The masses have been driven to believe in correctness. In fact, if you don't believe it, you are incorrect, not valid, a bigot, ignorant.

Before this gets a bit ugly, let me make it perfectly clear. No one deserves to be murdered, nothing justifies mass death or planned/random terrorism acts.

The thing that seems to be always overtaken by emotion is why? What causes these acts of extreme reaction to events? If we take the 911 incident in New York, I'm not sure that anyone has ever really analysed the reason for such an act? All I know, as an individual, if something happens to me that is bad I try to understand what I may have done to cause it. That way I can ensure it does not happen again. ( I don't subscribe to the "they were jealous of our way of living theory" either)

I think that whole concept has been lost..........Politicians are reactive by nature, their livelihood depends upon it.

In Israel, the land creep by the jewish state into Palestine has been ridiculous. But politically, the "free" world backs Israel. DON'T say anything that is anti Jewish sentiment because of the holocaust. (see paragraph explaining no one deserves to be murdered before hitting your screen in anger).

Here are a few more DON'T SAY statements :
- I don't like the way some middle eastern people dress and act in my country.
- I don't like saying sorry to past acts of Government policy e.g. sorry for white peoples behaviour to       indigenous people.
- I like the way "that person" spoke honestly, or from the heart, about his dislike of Asians.
- I think all countries should just stick to their own place and not invade or import other people.
- I think women are conniving
- I think men can be conniving

Just a few statements, but most are politically incorrect, in other words looked down upon from the masses by government order.

By the way, as an individual, I actually believe in most of those statements plus a whole lot more ........ BUT.....this is where, as an individual, there is something that I may have that has been overlooked in this shitty politically correct world..................... MANNERS. (I will explain later in this article)

In amongst the world of political correctness comes the current flood of religion, that is, Islam. Introduced to most of the free world now which has been losing it's soul to consumerism and governments. The so called free world where democracy reigns supreme was Christianity. So, Islam and their beliefs (which are very similar to that of Christians) seems to be a threat to all.

Why?.......Because the middle east is dominated by religion more than the democratic "free" countries. They still hold religion as a high priority in their lives and are driven by it. It is a book from which their purpose can be justified and determined. The same as The bible is for Christians. There is a purpose, a direction and a fundamental right to religion. It has a soul.

It is ancient in its teachings and has stood the test of time.
Governments have come and gone. Been right and wrong, but not very often would you put your life in their hands. When you do it is usually to go to war.

Now I hear the statement out there in cyber land........yeah but most or a lot of wars were done on religious grounds or for the "good" of christianity. Yes they may have, but the governments put their interpretation on a "religious" reason to go to war..........not was taught by that religion. Its a bit like the statement "money is the root of all evil".... no it's not it is how you use the money.

So.......we almost seem to have a transition period. A period where in the "free" world we have been dragged along so long by governments telling us what and how we should act, suddenly it is bombarded by religious beliefs..... Who wins?

By the way, extremism in religion is as dangerous as a rogue Government. They both justify killings.

In a very small way I have laid out the "mass" leaders, Government and Religion. Your choice as to what licks your dick ( thought I would say that because I can). If you are an individual you may lead your own free as can be life, in your way, without undue influence or with as much influence as you like.

For mine some things come down to manners, mainly because I am an individual who will not let a Government decide how I should speak or act.

Manners are almost a thing of the past. It is when you decide that you say "please" and "thank you". It is when you decide to say something about a religion or race at an appropriate time without offending the person to whom you wish to convey your honest thoughts ( note: you have to be able to receive them back as well with grace). It is being brave enough to say something that may go against the audience you are addressing, but to put it in a way that is eloquent, factual and from the heart.
It is about caring if you do offend, and finding another way of delivering your message so it doesn't hurt someone.

It is about you, as an individual. It is not about appearing to be correct as the masses would have it, it is about being honest and informed as an individual.

I don't trust or like the United States and it's evangelistic messages of world leadership.
But it also means I care enough to say it.

Robert Shaw.

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