6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

The Trek - Chinese Water Torture

Rewards happen after a Trek. Sometimes the Trek can be a major trip lasting for days and months until you turn the corner and there it is......the reward, something undeniably beautiful or spectacular.

I had one of those experiences the other day. I locked the pajero into 4 wheel drive and simply headed North along the beach. As I ploughed through the sand on a mid tide I passed all sorts of birds and wildlife. Some washed up debris from passing boats was spotted, it was timber, so no plastics were sitting there making the scene appear like a garbage dump.

After only about 15 minutes and 10klms in distance I could go no further. In that time not one human was spotted. The destination is pictured above. The feeling was that undeniable sense of something truly beautiful and spectacular.

Some Treks can be very short, especially when you are in an environment like the North Coast.

Chinese Water Torture

Just to clarify the intent behind this article before we get the old rascial discrimination card held up.........
This is simply an observation of an entire event, that reflects more on the "system" and individual peoples ethics.

So......shall we begin?

Surfing is a unique thing. The act of riding waves and being part of nature is a gift. Certainly I don't see it as just another activity in life, where, for instance you like driving so you keep buying new cars to get the buzz.

Sometimes surfing can be as simple as jumping in the ocean and riding the swell with your body.

So how or why do we allow ourselves the mass injection of Chinese, and other nations cheap surfboards? Yes there are limitations to how far personal money can be spread to purchase your ideal surfboard, otherwise known as an investment, but the wider implications need to be thought through.

 (The old surfboard swap meet. A place to find the hand made, pre loved, spectacularly ridden, and at times not so spectacularly ridden surfboard.)

Personally I find the imports too light in the water and rather like a fake looking watch that is bought on the streets of Kuta. They look nice and shiny but, for me, they do not perform to the same level as a hand shaped and loved piece of artwork......a real surfboard.

There is always the compromise as a purchaser, and that is to sacrifice a little of the experience for a cost saving. Or, in other words, put more money in the pocket of the shop that sells it to you, rather than your own pocket.

What wider implications???............Loss of expertise, Money going overseas, giving outright economic advantage to another country, burning carbon to transport between nations ( it's a lot further from China than Brookvale), Personal contact. This is only the tip of the wider implication iceberg.

But like everything today, we all want things in an instant, and without any personal advice or understanding of your needs ( eg facebook, online shopping,email,twitter etc). The pace is now so hectic we can't reverse the speed.

So, getting back to the handshaped and made surfboard. If you really enjoy surfing and all that can be experienced with it, than have a real good think about the purchase of your next board. Don't fool yourself with a cheap compromise. Your surfboard maker is your doctor, they advise, they can direct you and know what is best for you.

To conclude, it is your right to buy and ride anything you like including the Chinese versions, but don't catch the water torture. Think wisely.

                                                                                Waxing up a home made surfboard, one of the        
 members of the 6Ps team gets the stoke of riding
 his foam and glassed board. 6'4" wide arse.
Handmade surfboard and costume

Handmade wooden surfboards. Feel
the wood against the wave. Made on the North Coast these are true riding
pleasures - Coopers surfboards Crescent Head. (go to the tab at the top of the page headed "Crescent head Surf", for more information)

 Stoked with her board!!!

Just plain beautiful - The Feeling


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