6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Foam wizzardry part 2 plus merry bloody christmas

The staff at 6Ps are sitting here having a few Christmas drinks and doing a bit of a walk down memory lane. Thinking mainly of the past year, and the posts we have done, the film we have created, and the surfing we have had.

The truth be known however, we are sitting on a property on the Maria River Road 15 minutes from Crescent Head. Yep a farm just like the one we saw in Morning of the Earth, and we are enjoying every moment. Humid....... at about 110%, beer at about 4 degrees and music at about 100 decibels. Summer in true Australia.

So, what do we think about the posts of the last 12 months? Pretty damn proud actually, a bit of this and a bit of that and some nice arse. (or ass if viewing in USA)

Well, we are almost proud......something needs to be cleared before the end of the year and before jesus' birthday gets celebrated.

Earlier on in the year we posted a rather scathing review of the people at Foam symmetry, the surfers magazine. We said a whole lot of things but in particular zeroed in on their behaviour at Crescent Head.

Due more to the maturity of the editor Justin Bevan than the 6Ps team, he decided to write to us to put his point of view and to clarify some points we emotionally made.

We were scathing of their behaviour at Creso and the Californian "look at me" Instagram promotion.

While one member of the Foam Symmetry Team has been positively identified via Insagram and the presence at Crescent Head, no other members have been positively identified. Once Justin explained their whereabouts and the recent Californian holiday, it was plain to see that we at 6Ps, had character assassinated all those associated with Foam Symmetry. We were wrong and we apologise.

6Ps will however never support the American look at me Californian "resurgence" as we believe Australians are more creative and at the forefront of surfing than any septic.

We will also support Justin's endeavour to produce a quality magazine with great articles and photography, and any Australian content enclosed. We have been informed that Foam Symmetry is a quarter to quarter proposition, with only enough dollars to cover the next publication. This is another inaccurate comment made by our site on "money grabbing", Foam Symmetry is in fact a dream yet to be fully fulfilled. We hope the dream is realised.

As we have said it is a great magazine and just buy it.

We are human, and we have made a mistake, so lets move on.

Well, we are sitting at this place on the Maria River road and if you have frequented the area you will know its the shortest way to get to Crescent Head from Port Macquarie. We are 15 minutes from Crescent and the surf is going off, but tonight we celebrate. Its a case of Santa is coming, the reindeers are nervous and the thought of Santa coming from behind over a herd of reindeers is downright sick.

From all the sickos at 6PS Merry bloody Christmas and we hope your new board arrives in a stocking............

13 ----the new year----stay tuned.


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