6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Saturday 29 December 2012

High Tide Holidays

The one thing that distinguishes Christmas from the rest of the year is the extreme tides. This morning the tide is so high that it resembles global warming in 200 years time. So high Jimi Hendrix would be hard pressed to get that level.

That's Australia though, extreme, full on high or full on low, full on drought, full on flood. 6Ps has always enjoyed the flow, the rhythm of seasons, days, and months. But at Christmas it is special as the water is warm, the waves are a little slower and the tide fills the bays and rivers as though it has also had too much to eat on Christmas day.

So we are thankful for this yearly rhythm and contemplate the year ahead. We know the rhythm will continue and wait in anticipation for the surprises each year brings, some good, some bad.

This could be the year the 6Ps team become complete hippies......filming with rainbow shirts and fat cigarettes. Or growing our hair and wearing beads. Who knows?

One thing for sure however will be the release of the 6Ps Film "13". Nearly 18 months of work has gone into this film and we believe it should bring a smile to surfers faces. It is not a "new age" film but more the traditional shots with painfully thought out music to accompany the mood.

As we sit back and await the New Year festivities to begin we wish to pay tribute to those who have lived hard and could have more stories than the combined Murdoch Press. We lift our hats to those who have had less fortunate circumstances happen in their lives than the rest of us. Those people who appear to be left out of society and seem unconnected. It is those people who have suffered and have many a story to tell, but we are all too busy to learn and listen.
It's those who we see on the street and just throw a glance at.
Happy New Year to the unconnected:


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