6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Thursday 24 January 2013

It Happens

So what Happens in our wonderful world?

  • Shit happens
  • love happens
  • hate happens
  • ex partners continue to happen
  • justification happens
  • human control happens

  • Process of work happens
  • ambition happens

  • Deceit and greed happens
  • You happen
One of the themes we continue to press at 6Ps is the rhythm of nature. Because despite all the "happenings" nature continues its consistency. Summer,Autumn,Winter and Spring and ignoring human weakness.
These pictures depict no control of human intervention. Feel humble my fellow humans as we are all insignificant in natures power and beauty. No deceit

So........it happens and so does some things that heighten the eyes and ears of our fragile state. We present such a height of musical awareness witnessed in Crescent Head recently. A version of "Wide Open Road" by local band the Roys. Listen to this brothers and sisters.

Finally we finish our post today hopefully demonstrating that despite all things nature happens with precise regularity and despite human misguided superiority. A clip depicting the pure beauty of summer, an event that has happened for many years.

Check on updates to our pages (above) on events in Crescent Head plus film and photography.


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