6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

It was something I said.........

Hi folks, well I think the prediction that 6Ps had a couple of posts ago came ridiculously true. Viewers of this blog might recall I blogged a title "Its building to THAT time".

The summary of the blog was that it is that time of the year...... something is in the air, weather conditions become extreme etc etc. Holy flying shit batman it sure has!!!

Crescent Head is flooded, along with the whole Mcleay valley, the swell became ridiculous and out of control and the north easters are still around. When a southerly arrives conditions will be perfect for surfing. So to an extent we were right....... there was something in the air, but it was a whole lot of freak'n water!

All is in line to be a great March/April in the surf. The transition period will begin to steady.

Rhythm...............as sure as Milo is a junky, the rhythm of nature continues.

Preparations for the release of "13" have been hampered by the floods. While internet communication via the blog and facebook are not affected, the 6Ps team have not been able to get to the Crescent Head Tavern to advertise. Flyers have been produced to hand out but as we sit at the moment have not been able to be handed out around town. Maybe late Wednesday, or Thursday will be the first opportunity.
If you are reading this and from Creso please get the word out........from 3.30pm Sunday 3/3/13 the surf movie "13" will be showing while The Roys play their fine brand of music.


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