6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Monday 18 February 2013

3ft High, flathead, dad owns a pub.............

You know the old saying, the ideal perfect human build thing....................... (6Ps would like to disclaim any reference to any gender, sexual persuasion or degradation of any gender). 3ft High, flathead and Dad owns a pub.

Anyway, what would the world be without humour? I guess it would be a world of political correctness, litigation and downright boredom. Sometimes jokes are made to be funny, not to be against a gender, a person, as in, individual or in general, but one thing is for sure if we can't laugh at ourselves then something is wrong.

Political correctness has introduced litigation, submerged hatred and reverse racial discrimination, to name but a few. The more a person observes politicians and their "correctness" the more you are likely to reach a point of view that they are actors from a second rate comedy show. Or even more scary is that they are actors from a second rate reality show............... oh hang on........it is a reality show!

So, that is sure to put some readers offside, but hey, WTF,OMG,GFY, and peace.

At 6Ps, we have a rule. Anyone in our team that comes out with some sort of defensive politically correct statement or argument has to do something that contravenes.........you guessed it........Occupational Health and Safety, or Work place safety (I think that's what it is called now?).

Another one of those fun police, political correct, overdone, workplace waste of time (in some workplaces that is...). My friend Milo worked in an office before he became drug crazed. They were working out how to overcome paper cuts and stapled finger tips!!!!! That meeting took 2 hours and the extra dollars were added to the price of the goods so the consumer paid for it!!

Once one of the 6Ps team went to a beachside suburb pub in Sydney, Northies at Cronulla, and was denied entry because he had thongs on!! Why was entry denied? In case a glass was dropped........oh for fucks sake.

So here we have it.......political correctness and workplace safety. Out of control and around 6PS out of luck. Politicians get out of our lives and workplace safety....how about some common sense and individual responsibility.

With everything in this world decaying into boredom, it is nice to see someone do something that is politically incorrect and is also in contravene of work place safety (or at least venue safety).

Click on this clip, and laugh your tits off!! ( no correspondence entered into regarding laughing ones tits off)

Check out our "Crescent head events" page (tab at top of this page). More great music.


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