6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Monday 22 April 2013

Hitting the road jack

Well we are packed, adequately pissed, and ready to set off for Bali.

The 6Ps crew are off to Bali tomorrow and are jam packed with new technological equipment to capture this trip. Surf, culture, weirdness and something, well....a little different.

We hope to remain in contact via IPad and send you some "on the road" experiences.

This trip takes in the whole of Bali including Lombongan, the North via the mountains and Lovina to name but a few destinations.

The 6Ps crew have had a pretty amazing lead up to this trip, with some music and filming of bands not previously in our bag of tricks. We are enjoying the ride however, and encourage you to click on our Events page for some nice pictures and live music. More classic pictures appear on our Film and photography page.

In our effort to unite our community against government interference, our Crescent Head Community page continues to grow. Out latest edition is the Crescent Head Tavern. Supporting each other in our rather limited economic opportunity environment ensures everyone benefits.

We are talking buying produce locally, supporting art and music locally and anyone that endeavours to keep it within our community. Put simply, the world is too big for us to be part of it, we need to create our own infrastructure.

6Ps is striving to capture the best possible surfing and surfers around, and is committed to also ensuring those who don't get the "breaks" are exposed to film and public appearances. Our latest movie 13 demonstrates these values.

We ask that you continue to follow us and enjoy our trip together, you may be the next surfer or extraordinary, ordinary person that finds themselves in a 6Ps film.

Fear and loathing in Seminyak.......................


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