6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Monday 6 May 2013

Is it Lembongan or Long Bong On?

The 6Ps crew moved on from Fear and loathing in Seminyak via a boat to Lembongan. What happened in Seminyak stays in Seminyak.
But hey......we hit Long Bong On (Australian pronunciation) and the layback world of Mount Agung shadow worshippers. Home of surf destinations Shipwrecks and Lacerations.

This is where unless you can ride a motorbike you may as well sit all day drinking fluffy ducks by the pool next to some Japanese tourist that wears such distasteful clothing it makes you choke on your pineapple juice. Not to mention be blinded by the continual flash of the cameras while they take pictures of everything from Mount Agung to a dead fishes egg flapping in the water next to a coconut that has hit one of them on the head and made them sensible........

Hang on....woo it up.... Not fair......oh fuck it yes it is!

Anywho, what a great place, the 6Ps crew and in particular Milo could settle on this Island and spend the rest of our days shitting ourselves if Mt Agung should ever explode. 
It truly is a wonderful place.

A lot of filming has taken place, but the surf has been very flat. I know on the ISland of GOds we will catch up with surf soon.
So far we have caught some amazing "fill" footage, from everyday life to extraordinary events........more on that when the film comes out.
One of the weird things that happened was 3 Hindu burials that happened within about 2 kilometres of each other on the Island. Holy shit! That was something to behold!! Milo was stoked to see the gathering but mis understood the difference between a BBQ and and a Hindu ceremony of cremation. Riding along on a motorbike and passing these events was weird, not to mention a little on the nose, but everyone seemed happy and hey, when in BAli do what the Balinese do, enjoy a freakin cremation! Personally, I thought the smell of flesh was a little  overpowering, but to many it is no big deal. Milo was pissed off we didn't stop to film, but even the 6Ps management have some scruples, we were more interested in filming JApanese tourists doing weird shit, than bloody cremations. That's because our values run so deep.

The sunsets on Lombongen are incredible and with places like, Dream beach, Sandy Bay and Mushroom Beach how could you not be entertained. Sandy Bay was an incredible place made up mainly of volcanic caves and rocky shores, we renamed the place irony bay.
Dream beach was exactly that..........a fantastic place where Europeans frequent and tits hang fowl amongst the G String males flaunting there left testicles as they frolic in the sand.
As for mushroom beach, we have nothing to Report of a magic mushroom nature and can only figure that this is the place where all the inhabitants no fuck all....kept in the dark so as to speak.
Anyway we are moving on to Ubud, pronounced Uboooood, where our artistic senses will be heightened amongst the throngs of motorbikes and dogs with rabies and monkeys with attitude.

Stay tuned


( keep checking our Crescent Head pages above for informative and real information)

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