6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Thursday 16 May 2013

The depth of a Dennis Hopper experience

Regular readers of the 6Ps site will know we are currently on the Island of Bali filming for our next movie.
As often happens with our exploits we sometimes get side tracked......I think our last post had us on Long Bong On Island.
Well we moved on from there back onto the main Island and had a a couple of days stay in Ubud ( Australian pronunciation oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobbooooooooooooooooooooooooood)
Now...being the arty types we were eager to lap up the art in this place of artists both locally and internationally. Short summation......shit. Never the less art is in the eye of the beholder, and Milo certainly got into the art scene well. His toilet graffiti fitted in well.
As for food.........wonderful, simply wonderful. Cafes and restaurants a delight. What's left of the landscape beautiful.
From Ubud we packed the car up and headed up over the tall mountains to Lovina. This northern gem sits right in the middle of the top of the northern coast line of Bali. Very hot and humid, but a jungle type environment Coffee plantations on high ground, amongst waterfalls and tall palms. One could say.......it sent me back.......it sent our crew right back.........we went back to yesteryear and the mission in the jungle against the enemy. My god the horror the torture the endless torture to reach the target at the end of the jungle........Apocolaypse in Bali......

Lovina the beginning of the end for our mission to get the colonel that had somehow gone rogue and become an animal. We were all a bit mad, the heat, the sweat, the Mosquitos and Charlie on our tail. Wayward soldiers tripping on acid and shooting at sounds........the horror, the horror. How could the colonel so easily have left his men and turned into an animal? 
Lovina where in the bar district we had drinks with Dutchmen, yanks and the odd Aussie with faraway looks in their eyes............we knew we had to hold our selves together.

Lovina ( Australian pronunciation Love Ena).
We were about an hour and a half away from the final destination, Menjagan  Island where the colonel was hiding with his faithful followers, for the final show down.
The waterfalls were overcome quite well by our crew and the spectacular sight kept us away from the horrors we were facing. The coffee plantations were hyped up and people were jumping around everywhere! You know.....like the Cronulla coffee shops....oh the horror the horror!,
I have to go Charlie is coming........stay tuned!!!

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