6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

The final assault - Menjangan Island

Our last post saw us preparing to capture the Colonel....................Launching from Lovina, with Charlie on our tail.

Hang on.....back to reality, Lovina lay in the top middle of Bali, hot, humid and a mixture of thick jungle and high mountains. We loaded up our bags and headed for Menjanjan Island, the very top left hand Island just off Bali and not far from Java. We travelled along the coastline, in and out of villages, glimpsing out of our car windows at the occasional black monkey sitting knowingly and nodding at us.

What did they know? Why were they so calm in their demeanour?

As we got closer to Menjangan, the feeling came back, we knew we were close to our objective, this is where the Colonel fled to, away from those he left to defend a hill that was a hopeless situation. Why had he done this? What sent him mad? We didn't know, we only knew it was our job to finish him, finish him for good. The end, my only friend....the end.

We knew what he looked like:

We were also nervous, he knew Menjanjan well and wasn't going to be easy to flush out.
As we approached the boat to take us to Menjanjan, eyes peered through the thick undergrowth. Nowhere eyes, haunted and sunken. This was the beginning of hell, the entrance to darkness. This was his territory.

We gathered our thoughts and headed onto Menjanjan Island, Charlie had left us days before.......too afraid to follow us into the depths of the Colonels web.

What greeted us was a nest of madmen and insane humans who had long ago lost their minds to the Colonel

They knew we were here to put an end to this madman, this insane machine. The warrior was to be no more...............We had reached our objective......Menjanjan Island.

Menjanjan Island lay in a beautiful National Park, both marine and forrest. Many Europeans come here to snorkel and dive. Great coral, tropicxal fish and weird underwater shapes. The forrest is full of both grey and black monkeys. Deer roam free and wild pigs are quite often seen. The bird life is spectacular!! More than a 2 day stay would bore most people to death though.

Back to the story..............

This totally weird guy welcomed us on behalf of the colonel and proceeded to launch into a rant about his "wonderful deeds". We knew better and recognised this man as a murderer and total drug freak.......

Two of us decided to escape this rant and track down our Colonel. The mission wasn't complete until he was no longer!!

The horror.........

The insanity.......

To save our avid readers we will simply say our mission was completed.
We have returned from Bali with great film in the can and an optimistic outlook for our next film.......and no, it won't be called Apocolypse Bali.

Thank you for putting up with this rubbish, normal posts resume next week.


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