6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

The insanity is over.............

Suddenly, the torture has ended...................

At least it has for our avid readers who had to put up with the Bali Apocalypse for the past couple of weeks. Anyway, all back safely, film in the tin and no known diseases festering.

Yes it is back to the good old Australian meat Pie with sauce, beer and yesterdays haircuts, ya gotta love it ! It's back to winter and the footy with darkness arriving somewhere mid afternoon...its back to arguments about who the hell is running the country and how come we all pay too much for everything!!! its back to Government intervention in everything you do and everywhere you go........it's back to some freak'n person phoning you at 6.45pm every night to give you the cheapest and best telephone service of the century.....

It's back to people who seem to find it hard to smile even though they have more money and material wealth then anyone on the planet......it's back to a soul less society.......oh the horror.......

Whoa.....hang on!!! We are living in the best country in the world, just ask anyone who hasn't left it, they know. Funny how the apocalyptic stories told from northern bali were no where near as bad as this?

Well, really I guess we do live in a great place, but our sense of happiness with our material wealth is depleting us of our souls and joy in the most simple of things. This was a major learning experience while I visited Bali, they have souls and do not want as much as us.......


On arrival back into Crescent head we were greeted by a 1ft swell. With only a couple of days to go for the annual Malibu Contest things were looking grim. Huey shone his light and on the second and third day, Creso offered up some of its best waves.

The Surf Art show was a success and we all had a hoot!! A couple of great local bands did their thing and another Mal contest was held successfully.

6Ps will be adding more content on the Mal contest soon as we go through over 1000 photos and 3 hours of film edit to produce the official Crescent Head 2013 Malibu Contest DVD.

It was its 25th year and was celebrated in true fashion.....

Please make sure you check out our pages above for more local content, plus go to the Film and Photography page to purchase your copy of "13" the surf film about Crescent Head.


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