6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Summer / Fashion/Surf

Crescent Head is still very surfable with breaks up and down the beach and the point for the long boarder.

A selection of beach activity is included in todays post along with some water shots for a perspective of the sites a surfer sees while surfing.

As promised an attempt at female fashion and stories is made with some fashion for those who think that I have any idea..... ......

(Note: 2 guys wearing surfboards as hats - 1st fashion attempt)

The SUP evolution continues with a unique SUP currently recovering from measles and for the girls....a masculine and attractive paddler.

The left hander coming straight atya.

Blue and the Crew.

The Ladies Section


This lady was spotted strolling along the beach with a practical outfit and the natural look. A nice serrong wrapped around a trim waste with a simple bikini top. The white plastic bag was of practical use and I believe from Coles the outfit itself is unknown. 

This is Milli, wearing - Wrangler denim short, girlfriends club singlet, rhythm dally collar and Dunlop Volley OC...........(Beginning to like this Fashion gig.)

How to identify the perfect Male

Solid in the saddle.

Relationship advice

Relationships are a fragile state of human endeavour. It is a partnership where neither party should be dominant over the other and compromise is a great gift to afford each other. You should not feel like you are walking on egg shells or about to cop some form of emotional or dare we say it physical abuse. 
( Oh god this cracks me up, talk about taking a sledge hammer to a peanut, what about a bloody hammer to an egg!! Anyway don't let the yolk be on you.) 
( Disclaimer - All opinions are those of the editor who has absolutely no qualifications what so ever. Being serious has been a life long challenge for the editor and therefore interpretation is up to the reader. No egg was injured during the shooting of this photo however the hammer sustained some damage when  it was told it was the villain in the shoot. It is recommended that you check that the next egg you eat does not have a face otherwise you may feel guilty. )

So there we have it. An all round and balanced blog catering to most sexes and with some helpful advice. Actually, I think I will add cooking too, that should take about 2 lines.

Ha ha ha......enjoy



  1. your cooking section would be 2 lines,something like this:
    chicken &

  2. he does make a mean chicken and veges though!!
