6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Every picture tells a story don't it............

Yep.......the old Rod Stewart immortalised those words, especially "don't it".

Every picture tells a story but it is how you interpret the story that makes it worthwhile. Innocence can quite often be interpreted as something underhanded, if you were not there to see it.

This picture has been taken in a pub. Is the surfer just out the window or on a screen? The guy in right of picture is chatting to a bloke who looks totally bored with the conversation. As an aside I am not sure if those wine glasses hanging there ever get used in this particular establishment.

So you can see with a little imagination a picture can tell a story but does raise more questions than actual truth.

This particular picture is about perspective. If you look at the guy on the wave in isolation it looks like a pretty sizeable wave with good shape. When you add the guy at the bottom carrying his board out of the water things diminish in size. The perspective changes. It is a whole story not to be understood until the whole is factored in.

What the hell is this?

It could be mud splatted on a picture, perhaps something on the lens of the camera, or sunlight messing with the focus and exposure? Maybe a mixture of sun and something on the lens. There are trees in the background....I think.... and a yellow object in the top right hand corner.

Anyway, this could go on forever, until you reach a position of defining in your own mind what it is. You will pass a judgement on the picture and believe that it is the story of the picture. Why?....because every picture has a story don't it?

A bit like life really...............be careful of your minds eye.............

Oh! and would you like to know what the picture actually is? Just keep looking.


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