6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Governments - Correctness - Gay

Does anyone remember the first decade of this century? A terrible time, remember terrorists and financial collapses?

The last decade of last century was as dramatic as the first decade of this century. It started as deep recession and unemployment and ended with a capitalism never seen before.....greed became fashionable again along with the investment property and over inflated share prices.

In amongst all of this ordinary people were trying to have a normal life with, hopefully, happiness and health. Governments continually warned us of terrorist risks and ordinary people became even more dependant on Governments to protect them.

Governments told us it has to be ok to accept everything that was/is politically correct or you could be labelled as a racist or homophobic or whatever Governments and Lawyers see as a correct way for you to live your life.

Be tolerant or the Government will not tolerate you seemed to be the catch cry. Still is really.

It is enough to turn you into a drunk.....................or....

Yep, I can remember being terrified to drive through the Sydney Harbour tunnel in case some guy decided to blow up his white courier van full of explosives because he thought westerners were capitalist weirdos who had no soul left.

I can remember being in planes and looking at everyone as though they were going to blow us out of the sky.......still do. But hey!!! wait a minute.......there was a time when you could have a good old fashioned cigarette in an aeroplane and not be even looked at let alone thrown into jail because the Government banned it. Somehow maybe a flammable cancer stick and the appropriate lighting implement may have been more of a danger than some guy with a bomb in his shoe.

But I am just an ordinary person, I need governments to tell me what I should think and more importantly how I should act.

If death and taxes are the certain things in life, then it is probably a good chance that a government has contributed at least 50% of your downfall.

I should say that I am not actually blaming Governments for everything that is wrong in this world. But I can't, so I won't..........

In passing this opinion on Governments, I am deeply saddened by those who lost their lives due to terrorist attacks, wars and homophobic bashings. But no one seems to ask why people would do such things to other people if it were not for Governments pushing their beliefs onto other people. We all know that Americans (some not all) are evangelistic in their delivery of ideals.

Democracy, we are told, is freedom for people. Well it may be if you like that sort of thing or you live in a democracy that has been going for centuries. But you see, I began to doubt democracy for everyone when that cock head - George W Bush started pushing it onto the world. Now that guy is a story waiting to be told.

If you live amongst the teaming millions, maybe some sort of organised communism works, it seems to? Of course when you live in a democracy everyone is happy ,no one gets murdered, no one has drug problems, no one has health issues, no one is corrupt, no one gets told what to do and when.................

So where does this little piece of writing take us?

Well, for me, I just want to do something wrong.......I don't want to be told the wrongs and rights according to Government policy and political correctness, I just want to do something wrong!!

So I will.........................I'm going to say...........Governments are corrupt, and a word that is not acceptable......poofter!! (if you are reading this in America - poofter is slang for Gay, which is slang for some person named Gay)

So there ya go......


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