6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

It's Christmas - there is a christ in christmas........

Happy Christmas everyone:

words in pictures  - love 6Ps.

Don't be restricted in thoughts and ideas 
Don't be governed by those with fears
Be good, be true, and most of all
Be true to you.

It is ok to say things need to change
It is good that it is still within your range
America the great, dissipating into hate
Take up your rights to be free from the "great"

Mind control is for those who don't think.

Christmas is time to think about a bloke who didn't take the crap that was handed to him. He taught his faith, of love and freedom under the threat of continual harassment and control. He looked after the weak, and the sick. He didn't ask for a government hand out and the government didn't ask for a co contribution. He simply saw the need for love and caring.
He grew his hair pretty long and had a beard, but around that time, everyone did. So he didn't stand out, just did his job. He was hated by the government because he didn't conform with them, even though they were mislead and corrupt...............................

Are you getting the point??

Merry Christmas from 6Ps.

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