6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

The secret to suck cess - or - boredom part 1

The wonderful thing about a free and democratic country, full of riches and not doing too bad in the world, is money.

I mean money brimming over into overpriced housing, overpriced cars, overpriced food, overpriced essential services. This is so we can all live better. Have a dollar in our pocket and compulsively buy the overpriced "thing" so that the person that sells it to you can have a holiday in Paris or even buy something off someone else with your dollar so that that person can get a face lift......or something.


Don't worry, its ok, we all are. In confusion lies a state of flux, or fear of something going terribly wrong. Imagine that, creating such an atmosphere and ruling over it. A Governments best outcome.
Not too many questions are raised when you are confused because you don't want to be the dumb one in the room.

So, how does this all relate to our topic "The secret of suck cess - or - boredom part 1"?

Recently I have been involved with a "secret society" of like minded people. How I became involved I can't quite remember. I think it was one of those emails that has somehow sort you out because it appears that you are doing something vaguely like they are doing.

Anyway, Im not critical of that sort of marketing or networking, but after some 12 months of being on the fringe of their "society" I have come to realise it is what we call in Australia--pissing in your pocket for a dollar.

Basically, there is a common medium (blogging) that is used to deliver the message and or product. In order to leverage from that common interest there is encouragement to collaborate and use each other to deliver the message/product.

Pretty basic and cuts out a lot of fat "marketing executives".

The "society" was created so that the person that created it could receive payments (all declared) to pick and choose those in the society to advertise on their central blog/site. Not a bad concept if you are the one that receives payments, however, all the other society members still have to push their product/message if not assisted by a payment to the society creator. In other words, someone created something from nothing and then charges to do something for the select few.

Take a deep breathe, this is getting a bit heavy...................

Some of the society members are ambitious, honest, business owners or start ups. Some are self indulgent bordering on snobbery. Others are just bored,  absolutely bored. They are quite successful, are well cashed up and like doing the "latest" thing. This sort of goes back to the first and second paragraph of this article.

So this is capitalist democracy. Soulless, self indulgent, money measurement, greed, tax.

For those who cannot keep up, or just plain born into a bad situation, there is very little. Certainly no chance for them at the society table.

Natural disasters are now measured in costs, insurance costs, not human cost or ongoing trauma.
Success is measured by the suburb you live in, and the size of your house and the number of cars you have in your driveway. Not how you have helped build a home for someone that just wants a roof over their head(s).

Consumption is about the way the food is presented and whether the meat is "exclusive" or the imported caviar is as good as the last that was consumed in Morrocco. The drinks are about the year the wine was made, or on which side of the hill the grapes were picked from. Not how thankful it is to receive any food, especially when it is scarce, and to drink fresh water from a tap.

So the list goes on about the way in which we are heading, and those who can't voice there anguish through lack of confidence or lack of opportunity die a slow death.

I must thank "the society" for really showing a great example of what life is about in todays world. As I wrote the detail above of their structure it was alarmingly close to Government operations and the true meaning of democracy as applied to economics.

( This article has changed some names to protect me)

So, carry on, do your best.

Oh and do have a thought for those who are less fortunate and that you can help. Better still help them, don't just have the thought.


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