6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Local, Vocal and Political Po.fters

One of the many inspirations for this site and certainly the reflective thoughts of the 6Ps crew, is that we are lucky to be in a real community.

In recent times we have had disgusting behaviour from politicians and world leaders. It almost brings you to the point, that if we as citizens don't take control of our lives and communities then these bunch of self serving idiots will destroy everything that is good.

WE WISH TO STAY NON POLITICAL.....................

We are simply pointing out the importance of taking control of your own future. 6Ps is glad this site reflects it's values on the tabs above, especially "The Crescent Head Community".

(surfers together support community)

A recent article on the site "The Common Ground of Byron Bay" details the importance and focus now being promoted for community action and care. The article is named "The Economics of Happiness" and a link is on the left hand side of this page. 

At 6Ps we believe in supporting our local farmers, shop owners, artists, photographers, surfers, fruit growers, Goat farmers, chilli farmers, and much much more. 

Make your local community your priority and think about the benefits you could bring to all your community, simply by cross promoting them.

Put bluntly.........tell the politicians to fuck off......(loud clearing of throat)

Local Band "Offshore" performing at The crescent Head Tavern

This wonderful picture was taken at the local Boer Goat Farm from the verandah of the home.

 Recent rain and floods have cleared in Crescent Head and things are almost back to normal. The ocean still has residue from flooded rivers but is clearing each day. Easter is looking just fine. The wind continues from the north east, making conditions on the Point a little difficult. I'm sure anyone who knows the area has a good idea where the best breaks are given these conditions.

DVD - "13"The surf film about Crescent Head
Buy online and pay less. PayPal on right hand side of this page.
1 copy    $20
2 copies  $35
3 copies  $50

If visiting Crescent Head, 6Ps has made the Fruit and Vegie shop, which also serves nachos at lunch time, the single distribution point for "13". Copies are available for $25 each.

The 6Ps crew are currently filming for the next film which will be even bigger, release date will be announced towards the end of the year. A little hint of some content..........Very warm water, very tropical, very good surf, and unusual culture.


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