6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Post Easter Hope

Well Easter has come and gone, everyone shared the surf, and there was a day or two of acceptable waves.

Certainly not like Easter 2012, but then again Easter last year was a month later. We can only hope we get some decent swell this month. It's been a bit of a dog really, not a mongrel dog, more like a dog that continues to piss on your leg.

Luckily we have had some great entertainment. A local lady Kelly Bryant sang with local band "Offshore" a couple of weeks ago at The Crescent Head Tavern. You be the judge, I have included a clip of her below (also appears on the Crescent Head Events page)

She is one hell of a singer!!! The 6Ps team were glad they were there to witness this great performance (although the camera work was a bit shonky........mainly due to ducking and weaving to avoid patrons walking in front of the cameras)

6Ps is travelling overseas in a couple of weeks to capture some unique footage for the next film. This will hopefully be filled with culture, adventure and wild jungles....... We are looking forward to this and hope we survive the trip.

"13" the surf film about Crescent Head is selling well and we are pleased to see the appreciation. For details on how to get your copy please go the Film and photography page of this blog and buy online.

The Crescent Head Community concept is coming along well and continues to gain momentum. Stay tuned for more members of the Crescent Head Community plus interesting news for art lovers.

Speaking of which at this years Malibu Classic there will be a surf art exhibition as well. This is combined with the Malibu Classic and is all being held under the one roof at the Country Club. 6Ps will be showing some surf art on the Arts and Exhibitions page.

As our area on the mid north coast recovers from floods and local farmers continue to battle with agricultural neglect from Governments, we are proud to see local talent beginning to flower. The art and musical talents in the area will be a draw card to Crescent Head and surrounding areas. We have a great surf and great talent, maybe, just maybe, these talented people can restore some money back into the local economy.


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