6Ps - Inspiration

"The places that I never see are places where I long to be a new location beneath my feet makes life o so sweet.

Wednesday 4 January 2012


Featured today is a highlight of the NSW south coast trip. This trip was a discovery adventure into spots that were true Australian coastal havens.

The featured spot will remain nameless due to local protection of great breaks. Having said that you need a special vehicle to get there.

The swell remained strong over the Christmas - New year period allowing for some exceptional surfing. The water was warm the sun was out and the environment remote. Thanks to some great surfing by Fletcher and Daniel the footage is only a highlight of what went down.

The space machine......

The end of a great day.

The highlight package:

Whoever said it is the journey and not the destination was pretty right. I'm having more fun filming and finding places then editing and producing a finished 6P film. But stay tuned a full length film is coming.



  1. nice work son, those boys can turn!

  2. They sure can......how about that over the falls from Dan!!!!

  3. Enjoying your videos Paul..Showed Tony a couple, I can't tell you on this forum what he said Lol..Think he may be a little jealous..Doing beautiful work

  4. Thanks Margo - just tell Tony to get out there and surf!!!!
