So on that basis, I would like to just reaffirm exactly what 6ps is about. I know at times we make some remarks about Governments being too much in our lives, and to be honest they are (only in our opinion). But as these posts go into cyber space we can never be really sure who receives them and just how they are interpreted. The recent shootings in the good old US of A seems to indicate that the shooters had similar feelings about Governments and therefore wanted to go to war over it? We do not want to encourage that sort of extremist rubbish.
We have at times thrown verbal rocks at the most dominate country on the planet, and their warped idea that everything should be similar to the way they see the world......ah the good old US of A. Well everyone knows to be critical of such a great nation leads to someone blowing something up or invading something or supporting an irrational dictator etc etc etc. So we are being careful in case anyone takes us seriously and I end up with some CIA guy shooting me....but all for the better...
There are numerous other posts we have let go out there, that are sort of entertaining but sort of truthful. You know the dual sword syndrome?
Having said that, the previous post on "A whole lotta weird stuff" remains out there.
So, 6Ps is not really a politically based blog nor is it a social commentary blog. Nor is it a blog about rants or raves, it is about the trip to making surf films, nice photography, pleasant art, and surfing in general. It is also about some humour, and most of all attempting to brighten up an otherwise dull day.
We love to share our trip with you. We have made 2 films with moderate success in the past 2 years and will soon have another one released. Of course it will be bigger and better then ever because along the way we have learned a lot of the intricacies of film making and editing. We have travelled far and wide lugging our gear to attempt to bring you better scenes and landscapes. We have spent a fortune (more then the money we made on our films) on updating and buying new cameras editing tools, lenses etc., We have had disappointments, elation and great times. We still continue daily experiencing the world and its wonders.
Along the way we have filmed live music and discovered graphic equalisers and learned a thing or two about mixing.
But most of all we love sharing our minds and at times our souls with you. While some posts seem a little weird, generally it is our minds taking us on a trip to a land open to interpretation. So I guess we are hoping you may dream along with us.
We will continue the trip........
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